Flambeau Heights

Flambeau Heights is a 24 unit apartment building located at 1175 South Third Avenue in Park Falls, WI., one block east of Highway 13. Please contact us about availability at Flambeau Heights.
A supermarket, church, banking, and other conveniences are located within walking distances.
We offer one bedroom apartments with heat and electricity included in the rent, and a preference towards elderly and/or disabled citizens.
Rent is based upon 30% of adjusted gross income. Gross income is adjusted by medical expense deductions. A flat rent option based upon fair market rents is offered for those with higher incomes.
Free WIFI is available in the Flambeau Heights Apartment.
A large fully equipped community room is available to any tenant for private gatherings.

We have monthly Blood Pressure Clinics A nurse /toenail clinic is provided for a $2.00 co-pay. There is also a program available to help fund any extra needs of residents such transportation or personal cares if the resident is in need and services are not provided by other programs.
We have on-site maintenance staff daily and we also have a matron on duty and available to our tenants for extra housekeeping help if needed.
Management is on site and while the office is only part-time, we have an open-door policy and are available by appointment at any time.
We have a laundry room ($.50 wash and dry). These proceeds go directly to the tenant association to fund activities.